Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Team "Destination Nature" Visits Our School

We had a great day today!  Stacy Tornio and Ken Keffer were here because we had won the "Win a School Visit".  Stacy is the editor of the "Birds and Blooms" magazine and author of several books.  Ken is a naturalist and environmental educator.  The contest was to help promote their latest book. They did their interactive presentation about nature for the K-8 students. Reminding students that we can all be naturalists.  We all really enjoyed it!  

Afterwards they did a book signing with the students who had ordered their books:  The Truth About Nature and Kids' Outdoor Adventure Book.  Then they came into the classroom and hung out with us until lunchtime.  We took a few photos, identified bird songs and identified warblers for them on the Smart board.  We had to show off a little bit!  Then we played bird bingo of course!  After that, they looked over the drawings that the kindergartners had made for them while the students told something that they knew about nature.  It was a fantastic morning!

Stacy and Ken are finally here!  Yay!
Here are the K-8 students and teachers.
Truth or Myth: A turtle cannot turn itself over. Myth!
It can turn itself over by rocking back and forth.  
Turtles rock and roll!
When out hiking we often find bones and its interesting 
to know which animal they are from.  Which skulls do they 
have here?  A bear and a coyote.
Ken was an awesome speaker and taught us a lot!
Truth or Myth:  You can tell the age of a rattlesnake by 
its amount of sections on its rattle.  Myth!
Stacy really has a way with kids too and she also is 
a vibrant speaker!
Book signing with the kids was really cool!
They also signed the kindergartners' books for them.
In the classroom we had a really nice time.
Here I am with my two new friends.
Lunchtime!  Ken promised to eat school 
lunch with them!

I took Stacy and Ken out birding on Monday.  
It was a great time!  Stacy got a life bird as she saw 
her first Long-tailed Duck at the dam.  We also saw about
50 Bald Eagles.


  1. Mrs. Preheim's class, it was so much fun to meet all of you! I was so proud of you, watching you while you sang your winning song! You all looked like you were having so much fun, too. How great that all those youngsters can learn to be naturalists! PS, I hope you liked the cookies; I had fun making them for you!

  2. Yes! We loved the cookies! Thank you SO much! We had a great morning with Stacy and Ken. We were happy to finally meet you too!
